1. Tracking Phone Number
We use an exclusive tracking phone number for each business partner.
If the customers call this tracking number, they will be connected with the business via the business phone number automatically. The forwarding process takes only a few seconds, with a robot-voice greeting to inform the business owner of the lead source (E.g. “Hi, this is a concrete lead from Maple Lead, please hold to be conneted”).
The conversation will be recorded for tracking purposes.
We’ll count every phone calls that are qualified as a lead. Here are the criteria for a qualified lead:
- From real customers (not bot, spam, scam, marketing, etc…)
- Live in the service area of you business
- Is inquiring your provided services
- No duplicate lead (no multiple charges for one customer, regardless how many time they call or submit forms)
2. Form Submission & Email Lead Forwarding
We forward all form submissions & emails generated on our website property to your business email address and/or phone number.
3. Invoicing
We’ll check the performance every week or month to issue invoice.
Leads from all channels will be combined for a total number of qualified leads, which we’ll charge you based off of.
We’ll send you the invoice and you have 72 hours to pay. We accept credit card and e-transfer payments.